Fiber optic cables provide versatility 和 durability in a wide range of 应用程序 和 are critical for ensuring the reliability of communication networks all over the world. 最基本的是, 光缆是由玻璃线(光纤)构成的。, 每一个都可以传输调制到光波上的信息. 提供比铜缆更大的带宽, fiber optic cables have quickly become the go-to cable solution in communications, 工业网络传感和航空电子应用.



OFS提供用于各种工业的高强度光纤电缆, 室内, 户外应用. 为不同类型的使用提供独特的性能和好处, our communications fiber optic cable products can easily meet complex application requirements 和 specifications.

我们的 DryBlock®电缆, 例如, 是高度耐用和灵活的, 使其成为工厂外(OSP)应用的理想选择, 包括管, 埋地敷设, 在恶劣的环境中捆扎空中设施. 有波纹钢盔甲和聚乙烯护套, 这种电缆提供坚固耐用和抗啮齿动物. Lightweight 和 RDUP-listed, DryBlock® also allows for quick, easy installation.

我们的很多产品, 包括我们的带状电缆和干无胶电缆, 广泛应用于各种 以前 应用程序. 我们的 EZ-Bend®电缆例如,提供几乎零损耗的可靠连接. 我们所有的光纤解决方案,无论是为FFTH设计的(光纤入户), FFTN (fiber-to-the-node), 或FFTC(光纤到路边)应用, allow for the delivery of more data — across greater distances — than traditional copper cables. OFS fiber optic cabling is specifically designed to support today’s ever-connected world 和 the increasing need for high-speed broadb和 internet, 和 our versatile solutions allow for optimal quality video 和 seamless voice 和 data transmission with maximum ROI.


通过消除混乱的凝胶和填充化合物, 完全无胶电缆 streamline the h和ling 和 installation process for outside plant (OSP) cables for higher efficiencies. These cables are available in loose tube or ribbon constructions with dielectric or metallic sheath options.


创新 松套管电缆 增加纤维密度,使管道易于展开, 架空(捆扎和自持), 直接埋, 以及室外/室内安装.


OFS has led the industry in optical fiber ribbon technology by being the first to introduce 光纤带状电缆 并率先引进紫外光固化丙烯酸酯材料色带. Today’s AccuRibbon® Optical Ribbons hold up to 24 colored optical fibers in a planar array, providing a high fiber density unit for use in fiber optic cabling or routing inside electronic equipment.

我们的 ribbon cables deliver the highest fiber density in the most compact cable package possible. Streamlining fiber termination can save time 和 money with easy mass-fusion splicing.


OFS AccuTube®可卷曲带松管432-3456纤维计数光纤卷带 can roughly double fiber density versus using traditional outside plant cables, which makes these ribbons a very valuable tool in the network designer’s toolbox.

可卷带中的纤维是断断续续地连接在一起的. 这种配置使ribbon更加灵活和“可滚动”。. 除了, this design enables more fiber to be installed in less space than flat ribbon cables while also allowing the fibers to be spliced using typical ribbon splicing techniques 和 equipment.

While greater fiber density (more fibers in a smaller space) is a key starting point, rollable ribbon technology offers many more benefits when compared to flat ribbon cables.

  • Lighter weight for longer pulling/blowing distances 和 reduced installation costs.
  • 更小的卷绕直径,以适应更小的手孔.
  • 更小的电缆可以使卷筒的长度更长.

Longer lengths can reduce the number of splice points, splicing costs 和 shipping costs. 这些带状电缆也是无凝胶的. 去除凝胶后,电缆重量减小, 主要的好处是加快和简化拼接过程. Taking the splicing process into account, the list of rollable ribbon benefits grows even longer.

  • 它们可以使用典型的带状拼接技术进行拼接, 保持生产效率和恢复速度的效益的缎带.
  • It is easier to break out individual fibers from the ribbon structure when using rollable ribbons.
  • 有可能使用更小的拼接托盘, 提高了闭合密度, 由于可卷带不局限于刚性的扁平带结构.

紧凑、耐用、自我支撑 光纤跌落电缆 采用完全全电介质或可调谐结构. 作为光网络的最后一环,可靠性高,性价比高, 它们是自支撑天线的理想解决方案, 直接埋, 和管道以前下降安装.


OFS是第一个引入光纤电缆的光缆制造商 中心芯电缆 设计,提供方便的光纤接入和最大的光纤密度. 中心芯电缆提供良好的光学性能, 机械及环保表现, 使它们成为各种部署的绝佳选择, 包括地下管道和崎岖直埋.


创新 室外/室内电缆 combine the flame resistance 和 safety features of an 室内 立管 cable with the durability critical for OSP use. 其结果是独一无二的, dual-purpose cable that can help save time 和 money by allowing OSP 应用程序 to flow seamlessly 室内s, 使用单根电缆,不使用接头.


OFS 微电缆和吹制纤维装置 是专门为增强设计的吗 喷射装置 轻便、灵活和小尺寸是关键. These cables are appropriate for fiber to the home, business, 和 multiple dwelling unit deployments.


OFS预置电缆结合峰值性能, ease of installation 和 flexibility with exceptional reliability 和 safety for a broad range of 室内 应用程序. 全方位的高性能 立管, 充气 和LSOH-rated 低烟无卤电缆 offer the flexibility to h和le virtually any application between building entrance 和 desktop – in most environments from office to factory floor.


OFS生产的电缆具有CPR EuroClass性能. 点击 在这里 to see a selection of available products, along with their CPR EuroClass performance.



  • 比传统铜缆带宽更大
  • 更快的速度
  • 更远的距离
  • 更好的可靠性
  • 更薄|更坚固|重量更轻
  • 未来更灵活
  • 更低的总拥有成本
  • 抗RFI/EMI

我们的 approach to specialty fiber optic cables is to build upon these advantages to create solutions for a wide variety of 应用程序 w在这里 fiber optic cables may need to endure such things as higher temperature conditions, 化学物质接触, 或者从室内到室外的过渡. OFS特种光纤电缆服务于医疗领域的客户, 制造业, 商用和军用飞机, 以及无人驾驶的地面和空中车辆市场.

What sets us apart is our ability to create customized cables from a wide selection of coatings, 缓冲区, 和 cabling materials to meet specific environmental conditions such as: abrasion, 化学, 溶剂暴露, 高温, 冲击, 和振动. 涂料的选择包括:

  • Polyet在这里therketone偷看
  • 聚对苯二甲酸丁二酯PBT
  • 聚丙烯PP
  • 聚乙烯PE
  • LSZH(低烟、零卤)PE-PP
  • 聚氯乙烯PVC
  • 聚偏氟乙烯PVDF
  • 聚氨酯TPU
  • 无卤阻燃聚氨酯HFFR
  • Hytrel TPE
  • 乙烯四氟乙烯ETFE
  • 全氟烷氧基聚四氟乙烯™PFA
  • 氟化乙烯丙烯FEP

您是否需要坚固耐用的工业光缆与 特种纤维, 可靠的防潮和抗疲劳电缆, 或多用途室内/室外电缆, 您可以期待无缝集成, 简化操作.


这些抗湿和抗疲劳, 工业室内/室外电缆 are ideal for harsh environments such as electrical substations 和 wind turbine towers, 和 other settings w在这里 the cables may need to endure higher temperature conditions 或者从室内到室外的过渡.


航空电子电缆用于 航空航天应用 是为了承受飞机的特殊条件而制造的吗. That’s why the cables we provide offer wider temperature ranges than st和ard telecom-grade fiber, 而且设计得很轻, 高强度, 和耐久性高. 该公司的 FlightGuide®, FlightLink, Avioptics®μlinx™ optical fiber cable br和s are a well-respected family of high-end products for avionics 应用程序.


The team at OFS has years of experience developing fiber optic cable solutions. 服务于各行各业, we work closely with all our clients to ensure cables meet their specific needs, 无论多么不寻常或复杂. 要了解更多beat365登录我们的光纤电缆选项,请查看我们的 综合目录, or reach out to our team of experts today to discuss your fiber optic cable specifications 和 needs.


我们的 scientists 和 engineers create the products 和 solutions that become industry st和ards. 我们在我们的网站上公布他们的结果和最重要的出版物.知识库电子书


They discuss a wide variety of topics ranging from our suggested solutions to technical problems to breakthroughs in numerous products.

